Eurobodalla - Towards 2042

We're reviewing Eurobodalla’s Community Strategic Plan to reflect the shire’s changing priorities and aspirations. During February and March we asked you to share your vision for Eurobodalla:

  • What makes our community a great place to live?
  • What are the main challenges facing our community?
  • What would you like to see achieved in our community in the next 10 years and beyond?

Ideas contributed will be used to inform the update of our community's plan for the future.

How the community got involved

We asked Eurobodallan's to take a quick survey by Friday 15 March, or visit us at one of our pop-up sessions to put their ideas forward.

We also wrote to community groups and provided a discussion guide so groups could get together and provide their input.

Younger community members didn't miss out, we shared drawing sheets for them to share your big ideas too!

Next steps

From late March, we'll begin to compile your feedback ready to look for key values for our area and see what trends emerge for our region. This will inform the update of our Community Strategic Plan. In late 2024, we'll present a draft of the plan to the newly elected Council and share with the community to seek feedback to make sure we've captured the community's aspirations for future Eurobodalla.

How has the Community Strategic Plan evolved?

We created our first Community Strategic Plan for Eurobodalla in 2010, and before each new term of Council we check in with our community to ensure the plan still reflects our hopes for the future. This review, we’re doing things a little differently. We used the same engagement tools and questions as other local Councils. This means we’ll update our own Community Strategic Plan while also contributing to a regional plan for matters common to all shires in our region.

We're reviewing Eurobodalla’s Community Strategic Plan to reflect the shire’s changing priorities and aspirations. During February and March we asked you to share your vision for Eurobodalla:

  • What makes our community a great place to live?
  • What are the main challenges facing our community?
  • What would you like to see achieved in our community in the next 10 years and beyond?

Ideas contributed will be used to inform the update of our community's plan for the future.

How the community got involved

We asked Eurobodallan's to take a quick survey by Friday 15 March, or visit us at one of our pop-up sessions to put their ideas forward.

We also wrote to community groups and provided a discussion guide so groups could get together and provide their input.

Younger community members didn't miss out, we shared drawing sheets for them to share your big ideas too!

Next steps

From late March, we'll begin to compile your feedback ready to look for key values for our area and see what trends emerge for our region. This will inform the update of our Community Strategic Plan. In late 2024, we'll present a draft of the plan to the newly elected Council and share with the community to seek feedback to make sure we've captured the community's aspirations for future Eurobodalla.

How has the Community Strategic Plan evolved?

We created our first Community Strategic Plan for Eurobodalla in 2010, and before each new term of Council we check in with our community to ensure the plan still reflects our hopes for the future. This review, we’re doing things a little differently. We used the same engagement tools and questions as other local Councils. This means we’ll update our own Community Strategic Plan while also contributing to a regional plan for matters common to all shires in our region.